The object of the National Theatre of Ghana is for to develop and promote the
performing arts
The National Theatre of Ghana was built in 1992. Construction started in 1990 and it was commissioned on 30th December 1992
The vision is "To be the Beacon of the performing arts for Ghana
The mission is “To make the performing arts the anchor for the preservation, presentation, promotion and development of Ghanaian Culture”
PNDC Law 259 established the National Theatre of Ghana
The National Theatre was built under the regime of Flt. Lt J.J.
He commissioned it on 30th July, 1992
The National Theatre produces a number of programmes those offered by the National Theatre and others from collaborations and through rentals. Check our website for the list of programs. Look for our logo on our programs and collaborations)
From our website: www.nationaltheatre.gov.gh and from our social media pages
The National Theatre has three resident groups representing the areas of Drama (Abibigromma), Dance(Ghana Dance Ensemble) and Music( National Symphony Orchestra)
The National Theatre represents the heart and soul of our Nation. It is not an event center. We rent out some of our spaces to support the work that is created on stage.
You may check our available dates and times from the calendar on our website, select an available date and send a request for the selected date to the Executive Director. Once received someone will contact you.
The National Theatre has room for all manner of qualifications which include performers artistes( actors, dancers, drummers, musicians, directors, lighting technicians, costumiers, designers, sound technicians ), administrators,
procurement officials, journalists, accountants, secretaries, security guards, auditors, cleaners, estate officers, carpenters, drivers and marketers. All staff are recruited using the Public Services Commission process.
Send a letter with the attached script to the Executive Director
Send an email to nationaltheatreghana21@gmail.com
The Government of Ghana